Customizing Dashboards

In order to customize which attributes get displayed for each resource, edit the dashboard file generated by the installation generator.

By default, the file will look something like this:

require "administrate/base_dashboard"

class CustomerDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
    id: Field::Number,
    name: Field::String,
    email: Field::String,
    created_at: Field::DateTime,
    updated_at: Field::DateTime,
    orders: Field::HasMany,




To change which attributes appear on each of the index, show, and edit pages, add or remove attributes to each constant array.

Finally, the ATTRIBUTE_TYPES method defines how each attribute is displayed throughout the dashboard. There are a number of Field classes that you can specify, including:

Customizing Fields

Setting Options

Each of the Field types take a different set of options, which are specified through the .with_options class method:


:order - Specifies the column used to order the records. It will apply both in the table views and in the dropdown menu on the record forms. You can set multiple columns as well with direction. E.g.: "name, email DESC".

:scope - Specifies a custom scope inside a callable. Useful for preloading. Example: .with_options(scope: -> { MyModel.includes(:rel).limit(5) })

:include_blank - Specifies if the select element to be rendered should include blank option. Default is true.

:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is false.

searchable_fields - Specify which columns to use on the search, only applies if searchable is true

For example:

  country: Field::BelongsTo.with_options(
    searchable: true,
    searchable_fields: ['name'],

with this, you will be able to search through the column name from the association belongs_to :country, from your model.

:primary_key (deprecated) - Specifies the association's primary_key.

:foreign_key (deprecated) - Specifies the name of the foreign key directly.

:class_name (deprecated) - Specifies the name of the associated class.


:collection_attributes - Set the columns to display in the show view. Default is COLLECTION_ATTRIBUTES in dashboard.

:limit - The number of resources (paginated) to display in the show view. To disable pagination, set this to 0 or false. Default is 5.

:sort_by - What to sort the association by in the show view.

:direction - What direction the sort should be in, :asc (default) or :desc.

:primary_key (deprecated) - Specifies object's primary_key.

:foreign_key (deprecated) - Specifies the name of the foreign key directly.

:class_name (deprecated) - Specifies the name of the associated class.


:order - Specifies the column used to order the records. It will apply both in the table views and in the dropdown menu on the record forms. You can set multiple columns as well with direction. E.g.: "name, email DESC".

:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is false.

searchable_fields - Specify which columns to use on the search, only applies if searchable is true

For example:

  cities: Field::HasMany.with_options(
    searchable: true,
    searchable_fields: ['name'],

with this, you will be able to search through the column name from the association has_many :cities, from your model.

:class_name (deprecated) - Specifies the name of the associated class.


:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Note that currently number fields are searched like text, which may yield more results than expected. Default is false.

:decimals - Set the number of decimals to display. Defaults to 0.

:prefix - Prefixes the number with a string. Defaults to "".

:suffix - Suffixes the number with a string. Defaults to "".

:format - Specify a hash which defines a formatter. This uses ActiveSupport and works by by passing a hash that includes the formatter (formatter) and the options for the formatter (formatter_options). Defaults to the locale's delimiter when formatter_options does not include a delimiter. See the example below. All helpers from ActiveSupport::NumberHelper are supported.

For example, you might use the following to display U.S. currency:

  unit_price: Field::Number.with_options(
    prefix: "$",
    decimals: 2,

  # "$5.99"

Or, to display a distance in kilometers, using a space as the delimiter:

  distance: Field::Number.with_options(
    suffix: " km",
    decimals: 2,
    format: {
        formatter: :number_to_delimited,
        formatter_options: {
            delimiter: ' ',

  # "2 000.00 km"


:classes - Specify a list of classes whose objects will be used to populate select boxes for editing this polymorphic field. Default is [].

:order - What to sort the association by in the form select. Default is nil.


:format - Specify what format, using strftime you would like DateTime objects to display as.

:timezone - Specify which timezone Date and DateTime objects are based in.


:format - Specify what format, using strftime you would like Date objects to display as.


:collection - The options available to select. The format is the same as for Rails's own options_for_select.

If the given value responds to call, this will be called and the result used instead. The call will receive an instance of the field as argument. For example:

  confirmation: Field::Select.with_options(
    collection: ->(field) {
      person = field.resource
        "no, #{}" => "opt0",
        "yes, #{}" => "opt1",
        "absolutely, #{}" => "opt2",

Administrate will detect if the attribute is an ActiveRecord::Enum and extract the available options. Note that if a collection is provided it will take precedence.

If no collection is provided and no enum can be detected, the list of options will be empty.

:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is true.

:include_blank - Similar to the option of the same name accepted by Rails helpers. If provided, a "blank" option will be added first to the list of options, with the value of include_blank as label.


:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is true.

:truncate - Set the number of characters to display in the index view. Defaults to 50.


:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is false.

:truncate - Set the number of characters to display in the index view. Defaults to 50.


:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is true.

:truncate - Set the number of characters to display in the index view. Defaults to 50.

:html_options - Specify anchor tag attributes (e.g., target="_blank"). Defaults is {}.


:searchable - Specify if the attribute should be considered when searching. Default is false.

:truncate - Set the number of characters to display in the views. Defaults to 50.

:character - Set the replace character. Defaults to .

Defining Labels

To change the user-facing label for an attribute, define a custom I18n translation:

        name: Full Name

To change the labels used for resources in dashboard collections. Assume you have a users dashboard and you want to change "User #1" to "Testy McTesterson", the user's name.

Add this method to the dashboard for Users. Use whatever attribute or method you like. Example for user:

def display_resource(user)

To change the dashboard name in sidebar menu, sub-header and search string use default ActiveRecord i18n translations for models:

        one: Happy Customer
        other: Happy Customers

Collection Filters

Resources can be filtered with pre-set filters. For example if we added:

  inactive: ->(resources) { resources.where("login_at < ?", 1.week.ago) }

…to a dashboard, we can query the resources of that dashboard with:

bob inactive:

…to find users named "bob" who hasn't logged in the last week.

If you already had the inactive scope you could define the filter like so to take advantage of existing ActiveRecord scopes (and other class methods on the resource class).

  inactive: ->(resources) { resources.inactive }

You can also define a filter with parameters:

  state: ->(resources, attr) { resources.where(state: attr) }

You can now search your resource with 'state:open' and your collection filter Proc will be called with with attr = open.

Form Attributes

You can define different attributes for new/create or edit/update actions:


Or for custom action with constant name "FORM_ATTRIBUTES_#{action.upcase}"

Form Fields' Hints

You can show a brief text element below an input field by setting the corresponding translation key using the path:


For example, with a Customer dashboard with an email field you can add a string value that will be used as text hint:

        email: field_hint

Grouped Attributes

You may have models with a large number of fields and therefore you might want to group them in a meaningul way:

class UserDashboard < Administrate::BaseDashboard
    "" => [:username],
    "Personal Information" => [:first_name, :last_name, :email],
    "Address" => [:address_line_one, :address_line_two, :address_city, :address_state, :address_country]

    "" => [:username, :password, :password_confirmation],
    "personal_information" => [:first_name, :last_name, :email],
    "address" => [:address_line_one, :address_line_two, :address_city, :address_state, :address_country]

You can optionally translate your group labels:

        address: Address
        personal_information: Personal Information

If not defined (see SHOW_PAGE_ATTRIBUTES above), Administrate will default to the given strings.