Getting Started

Administrate is released as a Ruby gem, and can be installed on Rails applications version 6.0 or greater. We support Ruby 3.0 and up.

First, add the following to your Gemfile:

# Gemfile
gem "administrate"

Re-bundle with bundle install, then run the installer:

$ rails generate administrate:install

The installer adds some new routes to your config/routes.rb, and creates a controller at app/controllers/admin/application_controller.rb

In addition, the generator creates a Dashboard and a Controller for each of your ActiveRecord resources:

The Admin::ApplicationController can be customized to add authentication logic, authorization, pagination, or other controller-level concerns.

You will also want to add a root route to show a dashboard when you go to /admin.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  namespace :admin do
    # Add dashboard for your models here
    resources :customers
    resources :orders

    root to: "customers#index" # <--- Root route

The routes can be customized to show or hide different models on the dashboard.

Each FooDashboard specifies which attributes should be displayed on the admin dashboard for the Foo resource.

Each Admin::FooController can be overwritten to specify custom behavior.

Once you have Administrate installed, visit http://localhost:3000/admin to see your new dashboard in action.

Errors about assets?

If your apps uses Sprockets 4, you'll need to add Administrate's assets to your manifest.js file. To do this, add these two lines to the file:

//= link administrate/application.css
//= link administrate/application.js

Otherwise, your app will show you this error:

Asset `administrate/application.css` was not declared to be precompiled in production.
Declare links to your assets in `app/assets/config/manifest.js`.

For more information on why this is necessary, see Richard Schneeman's article ["Self Hosted Config: Introducing the Sprockets manifest.js"][]

Create Additional Dashboards

In order to create additional dashboards, pass in the resource name to the dashboard generator. A dashboard and controller will be created.

$ rails generate administrate:dashboard Foo

Then add a route for the new dashboard.

# config/routes.rb

namespace :admin do
  resources :foos

Using a Custom Namespace

Administrate supports using a namespace other than Admin, such as Supervisor. This will also change the route it's using:

rails generate administrate:install --namespace=supervisor

Keep Dashboards Updated as Model Attributes Change

If you've installed Administrate and generated dashboards and then subsequently added attributes to your models you'll need to manually add these additions (or removals) to your dashboards.


# app/dashboards/your_model_dashboard.rb

    # ...
    the_new_attribute: Field::String,
    # ...

    # ...
    # ...

    # ...
    # ...

    # ...
    :the_new_attribute, # if you want it on the index, also.
    # ...

It's recommended that you make this change at the same time as you add the attribute to the model.

The alternative way to handle this is to re-run rails g administrate:install and carefully pick through the diffs. This latter method is probably more cumbersome.